Публікації автора:
1. Белый Н.М., Губанов В.А., Дмитрук И.Н., Крицкий А.В., Сыпко Н.И. Резонансное вынужденное комбинационное рассеяние света в кристаллах CdS // Оптика и Спектроскопия.-1993.-T.74, B.1.-C.165-169. 2. Белый Н.М., Герасимюк Н.И., Губанов В.А., Дмитрук И.Н., Крицкий А.В. Тонкая структура экситонов и поляритон-поляритонное рассеяние в кристаллах CdSe // Оптика и Спектроскопия.-1993.-T.75, B.4.-C.795-799. 3. Горбань І.С., Білий М.М., Дмитрук І.М., Єщенко О.А. Екситонні молекули тріони та рідина в b-ZnP2 // Український Фізичний Журнал.-1994.-T.39, №9-10.-C.937-940. 4. Gorban I.S., Biliy M.M., Dmitruk I.M., Yeshchenko O.A. Study of excitonic molecules in monoclinic zinc diphosphide crystals // Physica Status Solidi (b).-1995.-Vol.191.-P.337-344. 5. Gorban I.S., Biliy M.M., Dmitruk I.M., Yeshchenko O.A. Biexcitonic liquid in monoclinic zinc diphosphide crystals // Solid State Communications.-1996.-Vol.98, №6.-P.489-493. 6. Gorban I.S., Biliy M.M., Dmitruk I.M., Yeshchenko O.A. Radiative transitions in an excitonic molecule // Solid State Communications.-1996.-Vol.98, №11.-P.941-945. 7. Горбань І.С., Дмитрук І.М., Єщенко О.А. Двоелектронні та двофотонні переходи в екситонній молекулі // Український Фізичний Журнал.-1996.-T.41, №1.-С.28-32. 8. Горбань І.С., Білий М.М., Дмитрук І.М., Єщенко О.А. Фазова діаграма діелектричної біекситонної рідини в кристалах b-ZnP2 // Український Фізичний Журнал.-1996.-T.41, №9.-C.840-844. 9. Gorban I.S., Biliy M.M., Dmitruk I.M., Yeshchenko O.A. Ions of excitonic molecule in b-ZnP2 crystals // Solid State Communications.-1996.-Vol.100, №1.-P.1-5. 10. Gorban I.S., Bilyi M.M., Dmitruk I.M., Yeshchenko O.A. Multiserial structure of excitonic energy spectrum in monoclinic ZnP2 crystal // Physica Status Solidi (b).-1998.-Vol.207.-P.171-181. 11. M.M.Bilyi, I.S.Gorban, I.M.Dmitruk, I.M.Salivonov, I.V.Ostrovskii. Acoustically stimulated phase transitions and low temperature optical spectra in PbI2 crystals // Low Temperature Physics.-1998.-Vol.24, №8.-P.609-610. 12. Білий М.М., Горбань І.С., Дмитрук І.М., Єщенко О.А., Янчук З.З. Екситонні спектри кристалів ZnAs2 // Український Фізичний Журнал.-1999.-T.44, №7.-C.863-866. 13. Dmitruk I., Dmitruk N., Domagala J., Klinger D., Zymierska D., Auleytner J. X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering study of near-surface structure perfection of GaAs single crystals after anisotropic etching // Journal of Alloys and Compounds.-1999.-Vol.286.-P.289-296. 14. Dmitruk I., Mikhajlik T., Zymierska D., Auleytner J. Comparative studies of Si single crystal surface disorder by using various methods of electromagnetic wave scattering // Journal of Alloys and Compounds.-1999.-Vol.286.-P.302-308. 15. Gorban I.S., Gubanov V.O., Dmitruk I.M., Kulakovskii V.D. Luminescence of ultracold excitons in cuprous oxide crystal // Journal of Luminescence.-2000.-Vol.87-89.-P.222-225. 16. Горбань И.С. , Белый Н.М., Ещенко О.А., Дмитрук И.Н. Квантовая биэкситонная жидкость в кристаллах моноклинного ZnP2 // Физика низких температур.-2001.-T.27, №6.-C.674-682. Gorban I.S., Yeshchenko O.A., Dmitruk I.M., Biliy M.M. Quantum biexcitonic liquid in monoclinic ZnP2 crystals // Low Temperature Physics.-2001.-Vol.27, No.6.-P.498-503. 17. Dmitruk N., Dmitruk I., Romanyuk V., Mikhajlik T., Wagner T. Morphology and optical properties of island metal films on semiconductor surface // Scripta materialia.-2001.-Vol.44.-P.1199-1202. 18. Barnakov Yu.A., Ito S., Dmitruk I., Tsunekawa S., Kasuya A. Production and optical study of PbI2 nano-rod like particles // Scripta Materialia.-2001.-Vol.45.-P.273-277. 19. Dmitruk I., Goto T., Kasuya A., Yanchuk Z. Excited states of excitonic molecules and their inelastic scattering in ZnP2 crystals // Physical Review B.-2001.-Vol.64.-P.045207-1-045207-6. 20. Kasuya A., Milczarek G., Dmitruk I., Barnakov Y., Czajka R., Perales O., Liu X., Tohji K., Jeyadevan B., Shinoda K., Ogawa T., Arai T., Hihara T., Sumiyama K.. Size- and shape-controls and electronic functions of nanometer-scale semiconductors and oxides // Colloids and Surfaces.-2002.-Vol.202.-P.291-296. 21. Dmitruk N.L., Borkovskaya O.Yu., Dmitruk I.N., Mamykin S.V., Horvath Zs.J., Mamontova I.B. Morphology and interfacial properties of microrelief metal–semiconductor interface // Applied Surface Science.-2002.-Vol.190.-P.455-460. 22. Dmitruk N.L., Borkovskaya O.Yu., Dmitruk I.N., Mamontova I.B. Analysis of thin film surface barrier cells with a microrelief interface // Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells.-2003.-Vol.76.-P.625-635. 23. Berezovska N.I., Gubanov V.O., Dmitruk I.M., Biliy M.M. Some peculiarities of exciton luminescence of zinc oxide single crystals and powders // Journal of Luminescence.-2003.-Vol.102-103.-P.434-437. 24. Dmitruk I., Barnakov Yu., Kasuya A. Laser photoetching in nanoparticles preparation and study of their physical properties // Low-Dimensional Systems: Theory, Preparation, and Some Applications.-Kluwer Academic Publishers.-2003.-P.121-131. 25. Kasuya A., Sivamohan R., Barnakov Yu., Dmitruk I., Nirasawa T., Milczarek G., Mamykin S., Romanyuk V., Tohji K., Jeyadevan V., Shinoda K., Kudo T., Terasaki O., Liu Zh., Ohsuna T., Belosludov R., Kumar V., Sundararajan V., Kawazoe Y. Ultra-stable Nanoparticles of CdSe Revealed from Mass Spectrometry // Nature Materials.-2004.-Vol.3, №3.-P.99-102. 26. Dmitruk I.M., Dmitruk N.L., Basiuk (Golovataya-Dzhymbeeva) E.V., Bauelos J.G., Esparza A., Saniger J. M. Optical characterization of fullerene films on flat and patterned semiconductor substrates // Carbon.-2004.-Vol.42.-P.1089-1093. 27. Dmytrenko O.P., Bilyi M.M., Dmytruk I.N., Kulish M.P., Prylutskyy Yu.I., Makarets N.V., Shpilevsky E.M., Hietschold M., Schulze S., Scharff P. Structure and Photoluminescence of Single-Emulsion C60 and CuC60 Films // Fullerenes, nanotubes and carbon nanostrucutres.-2004.-Vol.12, №1.-P.311-317. 28. Scharff P., Risch K., Carta-Abelmann L., Bilyi M.M., Dmytruk I.M., Golub O.A., Khavryuchenko A.V., Buzaneva E.V., Aksenov V.L., Avdeev M.V., Prylutskyy Yu.I., Durov S.S. Structure of C60 fullerene in water: spectroscopic data // Carbon.-2004.-Vol.42.-P.1203-1206. 29. Способ измерения величины зазора между прозрачными диэлектрическими поверхностями: А.с. 161220 СССР, 5 G 01 B 7/02/ В.Н.Антонюк, И.Н.Дмитрук, В.Н. Поляков, В.К.Резунков.-№4446762; Заявл. 11.04.88; Опубл. 8.08.90, Бюл.№1.-С.18-20. 30. Beliy N.M., Dmitruk I.N., Gorban' I.S., Gubanova A.A., Gubanov V.A., Kryskov Ts.A. Photoluminescence of Excitons and Raman Scattering in CdSiP2 crystals // 9th Intern. Conf. on ternary and multinary compounds.-Yokohama (Japan), 1993.-P.314. 31. Krys’kov Ts., Gubanova A., Poveda R., Bilyi M., Gubanov V., Dmitruk I. Raman scattering and photoluminescence of b-ZnP2 crystals // Intern. Conf. on Optical Diagnostics of Materials and Devices for Opto-, Micro-, and Quantum Electronics, Kiev (Ukraine) Proceedings SPIE.-1995.-Vol.2648.-P.515-518. 32 Biliy M.M., Gorban I.S., Dmitruk I.N., Yeshchenko O.A. Dielectric biexcitonic liquid in monoclinic ZnP2 crystals // Intern. Conf. Advanced optical materials and devices Riga (Latvia), 1996.-P.203. 33. Gerasimuk N.I., Gubanov V.O., Dmitruk I.M. Some New Features in Excitonic Photoluminescence Spectra of ZnO Single Crystals // Intern. Conf. on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL’96). Prague (Czech Republic), 1996.-P.13-87. 34. Bilyi M.M., Gorban I.S., Dmitruk I.M., Yeshchenko O.A. Two-Electron and Two-Photon Radiative Transitions in Excitonic Molecule // Intern. Conf. on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter. (ICL’96). Prague (Czech Republic), 1996.-P.13-18. 35. Dmitruk I.M., Gorban I.S., Biliy M.M., Yeshchenko O.A. Dielectric Biexcitonic Liquid in Monoclinic ZnP2 Crystals // Proc. of the 2nd Intern. Conf. On Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (EXCON’96), Kurort Gohrisch (Germany).- Dresden University Press.-1996.-P.47-50. 36. Yeshchenko O.A., Gorban I.S., Bilyi M.M., Dmitruk I.M.. Multiserial structure of exciton energy spectrum in monoclinic ZnP2 crystal // European Physical Society 16th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, Leuven.-1997.-P.140. 37. Yeshchenko O.A., Gorban I.S., Bilyi M.M., Dmitruk I.M. Two-electron and two-photon radiative transitions in the excitonic molecule in b-ZnP2 crystal // European Physical Society 16th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, Leuven.-1997.-P.141. 38. Yeshchenko O.A., Gorban I.S., Bilyi M.M., Dmitruk I.M.. Free trions h2e+ in the monoclinic ZnP2 crystals // The 24th Intern. Conf. On the Physics of Semiconductors, Jerusalem (Israel), 1998.-Vol.2.-Th-P7. 39. Bilyi M.M., Dmitruk I.M., Gorban I.S., Yeshchenko O.A. Properties of dielectric excitonic liquid in crystals // Europhysics conf. on computational physics “Modelling phenomena in complex systems”, Granada (Spain), 1998.-P63.-P.199-200. 40. Zymierska D., Auleytner J., Domagala J., Miotkowska S., Dmitruk N., Dmitruk I., Pavlowska M. Surface roughness of Si crystals with SiO2 overlayer // Proc. of the XVIII conference Applied Crystallography, Wisla (Poland), 2000.-P.297-301. 41. Dmitruk I., Kasuya A., Goto T., Yanchuk Z.. Giant two-photon absorption into excited states of biexciton // Proc. of IVth International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter, Osaka (Japan), 2000.-P.198-200. 42. Sundararajan V., Kawazoe Y., Barnakov Y., Dmitruk I., Kasuya A. First principles study of the growth of CdSe clusters // 4th International Symposium on InterMaterials, Icho Kaikan, Osaka (Japan), 2001.-P.35. 43. Barnakov Yu.A., Sivamohan R., Dmitruk I., Kudo T., Nirasawa T., Arai T., Tohji K., Terasaki O., Kasuya A.. Syntesis of CdSe microclusters // Proc. International Symposium on Cluster Assembled Materials, IPAP Conf. Series 3, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya (Japan), 2001.-P.56-58. 44. Dmitruk N.L., Mamontova I.B., Dmitruk I.N. Influence of wet-anisotropic etching on defect structure of III-V semiconductor surface // Intern. Conf. on Extended Defects in Semiconductors, Bologna (Italy), 2002.-IP-53. 45. Dmitruk I., Barnakov Y., Kasuya A., Nirasawa T., Kudo T., Tohji K., Jeyadevan B., Shinoda K., Liu Z., Terasaki O. Stabilities and optical properties of nanometer CdSe clusters prepared in solution. // Proc. International Symposium on Cluster Assembled Materials, IPAP Conf. Series 3, Nagoya (Japan), 2001.-P.53-55. 46. Dmitruk I., Barnakov Yu., Kudo T., Nirasawa T., Liu Z., Terasaki O., Tohji K., Kasuya A. New family of microcluster in II-VI compounds – structures and photochemical properties. // Proc. International Symposium on Cluster Assembled Materials, IPAP Conf. Series 3, Nagoya (Japan), 2001.-D.2. 47. Barnakov Yu.A., Sivamohan R., Dmitruk I., Mastsumura A., Kasuya A., Liu Z., Terasaki O. Synthesis and characterization of CdSe quantum dots // Abstracts of the Intern. Conf. “Particles-2001”, Orlando, Florida (USA), 2001.-P.100. 48. Dmitruk I., Barnakov Yu.A., Kasuya A., Liu Z., Terasaki O., Size-selective photoecthing of CdSe nanoparticles // Abstracts of the Intern. Conf. “Particles-2001”, Orlando, Florida (USA), 2001.-P.177. 49. Dmitruk I., Barnakov Yu., Kasuya A. Active control of nanoparticles size distribution by selective photoetching // European Physical Society 16th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, Brighton (United Kingdom), 2002.-26A. |